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Face Painting
Face Painting Gallery
Face Painting packages come with one face painter (not dressed in character) unless a package is purchased with two. Discounts are available for those who purchase a face painting package along with a princess package! Please bear in mind the length of time you are booking and the amount of children. In one hour, our artists can typically paint 15-20 faces. Please purchase longer packages if more faces need to be painted than 20! If you're on a time crunch, consider reserving two artists.
We use hypoallergenic products that are only the safest for little faces!
CT face painter
face paint connecticut
Face painters connecticut
ct face painting
ct kids parties
connecticut face painter
face paint connecticut
ct children's entertainment
ct kids parties
One Artist 1 Hour
One face painter for one hour
$99, and $75 for each additional hour
2 Artists 1 hour
2 Face Painters for One Hour
$175 and $150 for each additional hour
Face Painting With a Princess Package
Discounted Rates When Combined with a Princess Package!
$89 for one hour and $69 for each additional hour (1 Artist)